Monday, August 14, 2006

First two weeks in China

Well the past two weeks have probably been the craziest two weeks of my life. To start off, Chicago to Shanghai was a long long long 14 hours. The poor guy next to me had to get up 12 times to accommodate my small peanut of a bladder. My principal was waiting at the airport to greet me. I knew pretty much just from shaking his hand that he would be an awesome person to work with. Very laid back and great sense of humor. We sent straight to my apartment. I have dark hard wood floors and 2 bedrooms. And the best part is I live alone! I have a king size bed that is swallowed by the size of my huge bedroom. Even though the metro station is across the street from my apartment complex, it takes me about 15 minutes to walk there because my complex is really a compound and I live in the very back.
The next morning we started our 2 1/2 week orientation. The first couple of days were spent getting things for our apartments and getting oriented with the city. After a week of shopping at IKEA we began actual work and getting ready for the students who arrive Wednesday. This is when my highs and lows began. I have never experienced anything like this. One day I am happy as can be. Living in one of the coolest cities in the world, soaking up everything, meeting tons of people who will be friends for the rest of my life. Then the next day I am in tears and ready to get on a plane because the course load I am teaching is terrifying. Not feeling settled is staring to take its toll. But each day gets better and better.
Despite my school being almost all teaching couples, there are a couple of cool single people. (all girls) My school is extremely social. There is always someone going somewhere, and someone having a party or organizing an outing. I have learned that sometimes you just have to say no.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things will get better. I have been in Beijing for a month now and I am having a great time. I am still at the hotel. I hope to move into my new apartment on the 25th. I can't say that I have felt homesick since I have been here. I am now taking mandarin lessons. The first week was really hard, but it is getting easier. I have 1 hour classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. work is getting really busy. Hope to be able to go see you within the next month or so. Keep your chin up and remember you can always call me.


8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Berta said, it will get better. Continue to be social and also to find ways that you enjoy your alone time. Don't hesitate to call your loved ones just to hear their voices...after all, it's only money. Keep notes (your blog is great!) of the really strange things you encounter. Family and friends who've not lived overseas will be amazed by what you experience on a daily basis. Enjoy!

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, Darby, your adventerous spirit is to be admired. I have read your emails about Ecuador this summer and loved every minute of it. I only hope I can adapt to living in Kuwait as well as you are adapting to Shanghai. Sounds like you are having a wonderful expereince so far and ups and downs are to be expected. If you weren't shedding at least a few stress related tears I'd think you weren't normal. I'm just looking for the opportunity to visit and experience Shanghai with you. Keep blogging and I'll keep reading.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, girl! It will get better. I'm so proud of you for really emersing yourself in the culture and your new city. Your apartment and school sound great ... plenty of room for visitors :o) As for your classes, just remember that "they are what they are". You can't change it now, so just walk in there and win them over. The material will come on its own, so start slow and DONT STRESS about it ... you're going to do great! I'm thinking of you and sending good vibes your way :o)

11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Davis!
Everything will be okay. Let me just tell you I can't be profound like any of your other friends who wrote comments about your blog, but you're the most amazing person I've met and I've always admired you for your big life adventures. Hope you get my letter soon. I miss you alot alot alot.
<3 kayla

5:19 AM  
Blogger The Ketzle Family said...


Sounds awesome! Can you send some pics soon! You will do fine once you settle in a little bit more! How many students do you have? Anyways, me, Jeff and baby Ketzle miss you!!!

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy D!
I'm so proud of you, and wish you all the best! I'm excited that your e-mail was entitled "#1" I hope that means the first of many to come. You can handle all of this, and are going to come out on the other side of this experience glowing! Can't wait to see your new digs :)
Take care & have fun!

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darby Davis you are unbelievable, is it innapropriate of me to ask you to marry me on this board? I can't believe what I am reading, I always knew that you had the power to affect change on this continent, but now you've one-upped yourself. Your students are the luckiest in the world. Keep me posted, and I just want you to know that you are the strongest woman I have ever met. Congratulations on getting settled, and don't use Lysol floor cleaner on your hardwood floors, it tends to leave a film on them and takes away the luster of the finish.

From Salt Lake City, where the HBO show "Big Love" is considered reality TV!

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey darbs :) Audra here. I was thinkin of you the other day because I'm going to WV to raft in a month or so with some friends and it doesn't seem right that you won't be there. thats fun but the fact that Jim and i broke up last night, my checking account is once again dwindling, thank God for savings accounts, and it's damn near a million degrees here in Florida and...well...u get the picture. now then, don't you feel better? :) i love you. miss you too. wish i could come see you. aiden says hello.

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Darby,
I just know that in a month you'll be telling us all that you love your students and you especially love teaching AP chem! I have faith in you and I know you can do it because I know what a great teacher you are. You are so much smarter and wiser than you give yourself credit for. I miss you bunches and so do Joe, Charley, Odo and Carl. Especially Carl :)Can't wait to see some pic's. Charley is 6 weeks old now and is busting out of her NB clothes already! I'll send you some new pict's of her soon. Love you!

4:58 AM  
Blogger Christopher said...

Darby. I love reading all this stuff about your adventures and whatnot. It keeps me believing that I'll have adventures again one day. In the meantime, I'm in Palestine teaching math. Hmmmm. Anyway, now that you have a blog, please post often as I will now compulsively be checking in at least once a day.

5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an amazing skyline!! Hang in there, once you get settled and used to everything you'll do great!! Sounds like you have an amazing school, apartment and people to work with...

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and maybe a little jealous!! You have come a long way since TM and I am really excited for you to have such great adventures! I know that you can do this. It was TM that you couldn't do. You were just not a cubical type girl, you have such an adventurous spirit! I really miss you and I hope that one day we can see each other again! As for now keep truckin and keep your letters and pictures coming, for all I can do to have an adventure is through your letters! I love you and miss you tonz!!
P.S. Ethan is loving the adventures too, he wants to go to china someday like you!


4:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost, season 2 DVD's go on sale as of Sept. 5th. You can pre-order from for $39! Of course, I thought of you.....

4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


When are you going to post another one. I miss you! Did you get my letter?

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Darby. The boys want to know why I won't let them eat the peeps, but I'll let them throw them. Kids these days ... Hope you are finding time to be adventurous. By the way, I've been listening to some hip music. You'd be proud.


3:17 AM  
Blogger Christopher said...

awwwwwww. PEEPS!!! I still think of you and Caroline EVERY time I see a package of peeps!

11:19 AM  

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