Sunday, September 03, 2006

Some things will always be gross!

So Chinese people do some really strange things. Most of them you just learn to deal with. The constant staring, the spitting of the loogies, smoking cigarettes everywhere. I think after a month I have adjusted to these things. But there is one thing that will always disgust me. Now I have traveled quite a bit so people peeing in random places (where there is not a toilet) doesn't really bother me anymore. But here in China you can pee anywhere. The first one where I thought I might actually throw up was the little kid on the subway. He was only about 5 feet away from me. I just kept waiting for the stream to come trickle down and hit my feet. So that was pretty disgusting. The next one came two days later. I was just minding my own business in the grocery store picking out some fruit, when all of the sudden I hear a little boy crying. I look over, and yes ladies and gentlemen, his dad was holding him over a drain in the middle of the fruit section, 10 feet away. Can anyone shed any light on this subject? Is this sanitary? Do I think it is disgusting because that is illegal where I come from?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:00 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

Well, isn't urine supposedly sterile? So I guess its sanitary as long as you don't have a UTI. But that doesn't really make it less gross. This guy in NY peed on the train once, but he was really drunk. He just peed on the wall on one end of the train and the stream of urine trickled all the way to the other end. It was really gross.

11:25 AM  

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