Sunday, September 03, 2006

More pictures!

Still haven't had a chance to explore much but here are some more pictures from when I first arrived in Shanghai.

This picture is right outside of Yuyuan Gardens. This is the famous tea house where Hillary and Bill dined a couple of years ago. This bridge is in almost every postcard you see of Shanghai and it is always crowded. Actually, everywhere in China is crowded.

This is a typical fruit store. As you can see watermelon is in season right now. They are super cheap. I buy 4 for $1. I am trying to adjust to the fact you can only get fruits when they are in season. No strawberries until December. Because it is so hot and humid in Shanghai, my bananas usually last about 1 1/2 days . If you held those bananas in the picture and shake your hand just a tad, all of the bananas would fall right off and peel from their skin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Darby, you are seeing some stuff over there! I love the picture of the tea house and I love reading about your experience. One question though, do adults pee anywhere or just kids? Any women squatting in the street or men whipping it out in subway?

5:44 PM  
Blogger Christopher said...

Ewwwww. That girl just said "whipping it out!"

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! It sounds like you are having a great experience, but a hard time adjusting! I like the sounds of your apartment and the way your students behave. I don't like the sounds of people peeing in the streets and spitting...

Keep up the good work! I can't wait to read more!


11:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Glad to hear things are going better - except for the public urination part. Maybe it's all that tea over there ...

4:07 AM  

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