Sunday, October 08, 2006


I took my first trip to Beijing this week. As many of you know my good friend Berta Garza lives in Beijing. We met when I worked at Ticketmaster and she is now getting ready for the 2008 Olympics. We mostly relaxed since is was a holiday but we did manage to make it to the Great Wall. Unfortunately it was a really polluted day, which they all are in China so the pictures aren't that great. Even though Beijing has 14 million people, it felt very small compared to the 25 plus in Shanghai. I have realized that I really love Shanghai. I have many more "western" options here which makes life even that much more comfy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey darbs. looks like you are getting an education as well :) you look great in the pics! email me... so that i can write to you, and send pics of that child of mine, who might as well be turning 15 this month the way he acts...but he's only 3. hope to hear from you soon

lotsa love to you


2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

darby! your so lucky that you got to go to the great wall. it looks amazing. how far did you walk it? i'm sending you letters and CDs soon. miss you <3

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey darby! it looks like you are having a lot of fun! i love reading your blog and seeing all your pictures! love ya!

9:45 PM  

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