Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mole Day

Every year on Oct 23 from 6:02am-6:02pm Mole Day is celebrated by Chemistry classes around the world. It is to celebrate Avogadro's number, 6.02 x 10^23. Mole is a unit we use in Chemistry and thus we have Mole Day. My classes had parties and they were required to make a stuffed animal mole. (Just for fun) So here are some pictures of their creations. (By the way, a mole the animal has nothing to do with the mole in Chemistry, it was just a silly project) You can click on any picture to make it bigger!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mole Day!!! Can you believe that I never once celebrated mole day in all my years of chemistry class? I guess I will have to add it to the calendar, so the girls and I can celebrate it each year!


8:16 PM  

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